
Memorial Weekend and #QuarantineCooking Week 10 Meals

We’re already at the end of MAY guys. I can’t believe I’ve been cooking all of these meals, all of this time lol. We’re definitely entering the summer months now, since we’re at Memorial Day weekend. It’s the beginning of the summer season, yet we’re still somewhat limited in what we can do outdoors-wise; however we are doing what we can to enjoy the weather! The patio, or talking a walk. Hopefully the parks are starting to get a bit more safe to take hikes!

Week 10 of Quarantine Meals:


Some quick and easy lunches! I’ve discovered that I should be using my panini/griddle appliance much more often! They make the best crunchy and toasty sandwiches.

Really quickly put together – canned salmon salad. Salmon/black beans/red onion/light mayo/spices. Paired with leftover bake (fried dough bread)
Made use of my panini press and made an avocado chicken melt sandwich with my homemade bread 🙂
Right Rice (Cajun flavor) paired with cheese and beans quesadillas!
Clearly I was pressed with time.. leftovers smashed together, with some eggs lol.
We had indian takeout this week for dinner, and the leftovers were amazing~


I made some good effort making dinners, but also treated ourselves to our one-take-out-a-week that we’ve been kinda doing. Indian food!

Trying to use up our kimchi! Topping it over some cooked meat is really good! Side of sautéed veggies.
INDIAN! You know when you haven’t had something in so long? We eat indian food once in awhile and it really hits the spot when we do! Naan, chicken curry, fish curry, noodles and samosoas <3
We used kimchi/veggie leftovers and combined it with udon noodles. This was delicious!
My SIL gave us some aged beef patties and I made some homemade buns so burger night it was!
Picked up some ribs that were on sale at the store, made a dry rub and slow cooked in a crock pot for 4 hours on high. Tasty and falls off the bone!

I hope everyone has a safe and delicious Memorial Day tomorrow! I’m looking forward to not thinking about work (even though I’ll probably be checking in) but taking advantage of the time off! Weather is supposed to be great tomorrow so I am hoping that sticks around for the week, too.
