Sunday Mindset TIME!
Hi Hi Hi! I’m so happy you’re back to catch up with me. I’ve been thinking about this post for a while and wanted to talk about TIME. Not the actual time duh, but the time we use and abuse and say we never have enough of. Am I right!? Something I used to do quite often was how “I didn’t have time”. I didn’t have time to eat because I was so busy at work (OK bad example because that actually never happens to me, since you can usually find me snacking (and often), haha). How about like, I didn’t have time to work out. YES I KNOW, we can allll relate to this one, right?! And it’s because I was too busy, I had to run an errand, I had to do this and do that. Guess what – all excuses! I know that you know it. I finally told myself – Stop. Making. Excuses. I’m sharing this post today because it’s not a bad time to start thinking about this differently (pun intended?)
We always have time, it’s just that we forget that WE control HOW we manage it. When we say “I didn’t have time”, it means you did not make time, because literally you DO have time. So then, if we control our time, how about we MAKE it? Start MAKING time to work out, start MAKING time to meal prep, start MAKING time for YOURSELF! I’ve started doing this probably a couple years ago and it helped me manage my time and be honest with myself. If you make time for something, it’s usually of some importance, and if you don’t, then it means it can wait another day and/or is less important. Right? If you really wanted to make something happen you make time for it. If your goal is to do a handstand or run a 5k by the end of the year, you make time to get closer to accomplishing your goals. So you practice a few times a week – even if it’s making 15 minutes of your day.

I thought this would be a fitting month (in case anyone is doing a resolution thingy) to bring up because it really shapes your mindset in how you prioritize your needs and wants, and of course, YOU!
Go make time for some fluffy pancakes and extra crispy fried eggs with a pour over coffee. You. Do. You. You are responsible for YOUR time, no one else! A very happy Sunday to you all and I hope this does some good to your week! 😀 <3
Love and ..Sunday Brunch <3
Back to Life...Back To Reality!
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Everything you said hits home… if something is important to you – eating healthy, working out, finding time to hang with friends etc, you will make time to do it. How’s marathon training going? lol Thanks for your posts Rina.
Right?! It’s a mindset thing – and it’s about how you deliver what you say. Thanks for the comment, T! …HALF marathon training, I am no longer full on crazy haha. It’s going lol I make time to do my long runs 🙂