Lucky Number Week 13 in #QuarantineCooking
I’m a bit late on this post! I had fun on the weekend, seeing more family and friends now and celebrated Father’s Day yesterday. We played board games with friends and ate some good food with our family.
The east coast is opening back up slowly – more restaurants are lifting their restrictions soon, where they are allowing up to 25% capacity inside. I’m still a bit hesitant to dine in, but it’s nice to see people enjoying some state of normalcy. However, I know we have more work to do – a lot of states are seeing increases in COVID-19 cases as a result of some of the re-opening protocols so we still need to be careful! Mask up!
I haven’t been as active posting IG stories of my meals as I’m continuing to learn more about the Black community, reading articles and genuinely listening to those who are speaking out on fighting systemic racism and protesting for defunding the police.
I do still want to highlight my weekly highlights though and share what I’ve been up to otherwise. It’s where I find the most joy – cooking and eating it lol. Here we go!
Week 13 of Quarantine Meals:



Work has been keeping me busy, but I am still trying to get inspiration to cook. I’ve been eyeing some recipes lately that I’ll make and post in future #QuarantineCooking meals. Cooking burnout is a real thing – I have been starting to feel it recently so it really helps to give yourself a break and get take out (while helping small businesses when you can).
Have a GREAT rest of the week and stay cool!
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