
How’s your New Year Resolutions going?! … Yeah, me neither ???? Here’s what I’ve been doing about it.

We put forth the best intentions in December when we start thinking about what we want to accomplish for the next year. We set super ambitious goals in January and expect to start DAY 1, cold turkey – no sugar. Workout everyday. Journal every night before bed. Stop eating carbs. The list kinda gets out of hand and kinda unrealistic, right? ????

We all know the dealio – you wake up January 1st, and you complete your goal(s) for day 1. Day 2 comes around you’re all like “yeah I feel good, I’m doing so good!” Day 3 and you’re basically on a roll. After a few days of getting shit done you’re officially on a high and then… something starts to drive that momentum down. Is it just me or is it really hard to keep up with these challenging, likely unrealistic goals I set for myself? Then you begin self doubt and you hit day 7 you’re like, “ugh why did I do this?!

OK so if you can’t relate then congrats you have will power like no other and I want to know your secrets! After realizing how silly some of the goals I set were, I decided I was done with New Years “resolutions”.

This is why I’ve decided to start setting Intentions. Goal setting and intentions are different and may be described differently by who you talk to or read up on. To me, intentions are values and goals are destinations. I set one intention at a time and check in regularly to see how I’m doing. I don’t want to overload my intentions with too many, I think it’s just a personal preference. Intentions are about who you are versus who you want to become.

Currently I set my intention on being present. In anything I do, I intend to be present. In work and in my personal life. Something I really struggled with in the past and looking forward to improve on it this year! I am sure I still don’t have it down right because well, that’s the beauty of it! I like how intentions are described here.

I wanted to share this because I thought it’s a great way to reimagine our “goals” and especially around this time of year we tend to start veering off that bandwagon ???? I’d love to hear my lovely friends and family on their thoughts on this and share your intentions!

Love always,
